Monetize fiber network capacity and consistent connectivity

FTTx Service Rollout |

Secure and reliable offerings for B2C, B2B, OTT and B2B2X

Rollout of new FTTx networks, and the services based on them, continues as both incumbent and emerging CSPs are prioritizing high capacity and reliability connectivity technologies. As a project, an FTTx network buildout is a long return on investment, measured sometimes in decades, considering the permits and construction investments needed.

Thus maximizing monetization of FTTx networks is one of the most pressing objectives for FTTx service providers. Multiple ways to monetize the FTTx network need to be enabled, from traditional triple and quadruple play services for both B2C and SMB B2B markets, and the OTT services on top of them, to providing the ability for wholesale and B2B2x business models.

A robust BSS solution is therefore needed, one that seamlessly supports all necessary business models, deals with all types of products and services, and integrates with proper OSS systems for provisioning and assurance, ensuring the quickest time to market possible.

CompaxDigital Solution for FTTx Rollout

Product Catalog & Frame Agreements

Manage all types of products and offers, including wholesale B2B2x with complex frame agreements, volume-based discounts, and flexible usage rules

Customer Journey Management

Digital process automation, from customer acquisition to support for upsell and/or retention, flexibly covers entire customer journey

CPQ and Order Management

Agile, microservices-based workflow management and a configurable way to do a flexible B2C, B2B CPQ and Wholesale order management

API-first Omnichannel Experience

Full set of REST APIs and working over any channel – app, web, retail/PoS, or partner – allowing seamless integration into supply chain


Ability to share infrastructure and reuse integrations and business processes, as well as provide cross-domain provisioning and instantly add new business models

Genuinely Modular

Ability to start with an optimal set of the core modules needed for the initial rollout and services, and seamlessly add more as rollout progresses

Key Benefits Achieved

Monetize Fiber Network Investment

Monetize Fiber Network Investment

  • Support traditional and OTT business models
  • Save on network and OSS integrations
  • Implement BSS in modules as you grow

Quick and Easy Service Rollout

Quick and Easy Service Rollout

  • Build once & reuse across offerings or segments
  • Share infrastructure and reuse integrations and business processes
  • Manage all types of products including wholesale and B2B2x

Expand and Diversify Business Models

Expand and Diversify Business Models

  • Enable B2C, B2B, wholesale and B2B2x
  • Support omnichannel customer and user experience
  • Allow partners seamless integration into the supply chain


Product Configurability and Innovation at Scale

Digital BSS

Next-gen Platform Built for Agility and Speed


All Business Models and Technology Support

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Learn more about CompaxDigital’s flexible BSS platform.